Alistair Brown

BSc in Business Studies, BA in Marketing and Economics and accredited to use MBTI; FIRO Elements; Hogan Assessments and Denison Culture Survey and 360° Leadership Tool



About Me

Alistair has been leading, coaching and consulting in organisational transformational change for over 30 years. His early business career was grounded in marketing and general management. He led several manufacturing organisations at Board Level before joining Taylor Clarke where he has been a Principal Consultant for 20 years now working internationally and across many sectors.

He is known for helping senior leaders and their teams navigate disruptive transformational change through coaching, peer facilitation, leadership development and helping senior teams work more effectively and grow under pressure. As part of this he has coached many CEOs, COOs and other members of executive teams. 

Clients describe working with Alistair as “Practical and grounded”, “inspirational”, “hugely supportive” and “really insightful” and “able to draw on his own career to empathize”.

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